Monday, January 2, 2012


Welcome to 2012 ! 
Its different how I look at every different year as I grow older.
In 2012 my new year resolution is to be a more organised person. 
Secondly I wish I can find the right job that can provide me with the satisfaction and also plentiful of monies ! 
Also to learn how to enjoy life more than last year ! 
Learn harder, work harder and play harder ! 
Lastly less quarrel and more understanding with bao bao !  
Love me 2012 !! 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Just Feel like Singing

拖著沉重的行李 機場廣播的聲音      人們互道再見的表情     *回顧手機的訊息 初見面到相戀的痕跡      我怎麼忍心刪去     #還想和你看北海道的雪祭      還想陪你走遍這世界風景      你就要往陌生的天空飛去      天知道我會多想你     +當飛機越過傷心換日線      天空只留下寂寞無聲的盤旋      時間它能不能倒退一點      停格在你晴天笑臉     %你的心飛過傷心換日線      今後我們的世界地球各一遍      如果季風能把感覺聯線      要傳達給你說不完的思念

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Flooding in town

What a bad weather recently and It's forecast to last till end of January.
Though I'm not really affected by the rain physically but it runs my mood down unknowingly.
Weekend is coming ! Have fun people !

Sunday, October 30, 2011

happy halloween

Why do we work so hard for ?
Have this thought ever come across your mind ?
In the end when you got the money and status you might lose things that are more valuable.

But who am I to say that right now when I got none to be happy about yet.
Just some random thoughts about the things happening around me.

Friday, September 30, 2011

ORD gathering

Civilian conversion !
This was taken 2 months ago , times passing so quickly isn't it?
Finally 1 year 10 months is over and now everyone are back to where we left back then :)